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Indesign data merge multiple records from right to left

That obviously helps - obviously English is the one we work in. But also, Chinese will be offered very soon. In the moment, Spanish, French, we have had Russian that has been offered on our conference calls. So languages have done an enormous amount of work to sustain communities in their local language. We shouldn't be surprised of scrutiny and we should be reaching out to them and be trying to bring them on board. But the one that is going through the period of transition like none other is ICANN. Well, we have the IGF, as well, of course. This is the representative multi-stakeholder body globally. It is not surprising that ICANN is under scrutiny at the moment. Make it more obvious how global stakeholders who are not part of the ICANN community can contribute and be part of the accountability process. So there's a call, really, to open up the IANA transition a little bit more. Those communities and those stakeholders need to be involved as well. There are communities within ICANN that have significant civil society component to them, but there's a whole world out there, as well. One of the challenges civil society has is that these are complex issues. Both of them require much more global engagement. They are multidimensional, we have the two processes now, both of them have an international dimension to them. When you think about the two processes that are under way, one that has to do with accountability, one with the IANA matters. So at the end of the day, putting offices in different parts of the world doesn't mean globalization, it means reaching out to people in those countries, bringing increased multistakeholder participation into ICANN as it moves forward. We've seen call for that in the announcement from NTIA. It is about truly engaging with the multistakeholder community. In part, I echo what Adiel said, it is about opening offices, but it is about truly engaging. So the Center for Democracy and Technology has been on the outside but we are closely watching and interested in what ICANN is doing. Though how do you see it from the outside, from the balcony? You have never been inside ICANN inside one of the committees, but you are very, very sensitive observer. You have watched ICANN, always, you know, from the balcony, that means, always from a civil organization. Feel encouraged if you want to raise your voice. He will make his commencement when he is finished - when we are finished. > MODERATOR WOLFGANG KLEINWACHTER: Thank you, Fiona. I would see the accountability and transition be examples is that. It is important, we're talking about it, as ICANN becomes to be global or international, people from all around the world are involved indecision making. I would pause it in the context of globalization. In the context of the Yan accountability. I think that is what we're here to talk about, and a few other people. From my own personal experiences, I've seen the number in the GAK run from representatives from 100 economies or countries showing up. In large part, due to one of the recommendations from the review teams, ATRT1. I would imagine that ICANN's translation budget is similar to the UN. You see translation into 6 or 7 languages. Not just the recent opening of engagement centers.

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From the beginning of ICANN until now, we've seen progress and a lot of room for continued progress. When ICANN was created, the question was, do you need to become more global, more international.

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From my perspective, it has always been around the same set of issue. > FIONA ALEXANDER: So I'd be very curious later on to understand what the differences are. You see that we had more than 200 proposals. > MODERATOR WOLFGANG KLEINWACHTER: Ladies and gentlemen, take your seats. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. This text is being provided in a rough draft format. ICANN GLOBALIZATION IN AN EVOLVING ECOSYSTEM The Ninth Annual Internet Governance Forum Meeting "Connecting Continents for Enhanced Multistakeholder Internet Governance" (see schedule for specific sessions)

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